

目前顯示的是 3月, 2012的文章
第五章的名言是: " I realized that from now on a large part of my life would be spent finding and correcting my own mistakes." --Maurice Wilkes, 1949. 當小孩可以體會出這句話的真義時,這位小孩已經成熟、懂事了!而我的女兒何時才能夠體會呢?

A sentence about Science

在 C++ Father 所寫的一本基礎的 C++ 書本 Programming Principles and Practice using C++, 第10章 Input and Output Streams 的開始處寫著一句話 : "Science is what we have learned about how to keep from fooling ourselves.  --Richard P. Feynman" 確實!對於這句話,在學術單位任職多年,有更深刻的體認。