

目前顯示的是 5月, 2016的文章

為何要 modern C++?

從 conan.io Twitter 中看到轉傳一篇文章: Why I don’t spend time with Modern C++ anymore ,是 Henrique Bucher 所寫的文章,內容提到: Why is it a problem really?  generates extremely hard-to-optimize graphs that C++ compilers have trouble with. Compilation time:  It is not rare to see Modern C++ applications taking 10 minutes to compile. With traditional C++, this number is counted in low seconds for a simple change. Maintainability: you want simplicity. You need simplicity. The Real Reason: But the real motivation why I do not spend much time with Modern C++ anymore, despite being pretty good at it at some point, is just that there is much more being developed in the industry that needs my attention. Conclusion: One has to learn C/C++ but cannot find the language in itself be sufficient.  每一位個體都有自己學習的能力及習慣,在使用這些工具程式語言時,也是相同的道理,端看自己的對於這種語言的學習成熟度與熟悉度,主要還是要看你本身要使用它來解決什麼問題?這些問題的背後是否已經有人提供很好的 Library 來支援?自己從頭到尾來打造輪子、自造汽車,那似乎也未免太過於辛苦了。 對於作者提到工業界的需求,在這個觀點上,可能 modern C++ 也許不是那麼重要,但是,在其他的觀點上,比如說,