KLIPSE 是一個可以產生互動式程式碼的網頁套件,換言之,在網頁上顯示你的程式碼,可以讓觀賞者修改並且輸出程式碼的結果。與其他顯示原始程式碼的 javascript 套件不同之處在於 live 與 interactive,live 的功能可以即時顯示程式碼的結果,interactive 讓使用者可以修改,因此,使用者可以在網頁、部落格上面修改程式碼,並且即時顯示修改後的結果。實際安裝測試,確實可以達到上面所提到的效果。
在 KLIPSE 文件有一段話:
In order to integrate the klipse plugin on a blog, library documentation or any other web page, add the following
必須要安裝在網頁 body 標籤底部,實際測試時,只需將下列這一段程式碼放到最後:
But we put this dream aside - because the browser understands only
And after a while, we even forgot that we ever had this dream.
Still, there are some people that didn’t forget this dream, like Alan Kay:
還是有人對於 dream 一直抱持著希望並且努力的想要實現它。
另外,有許多的 online compiler,例如:compiler-explorer,Wandbox,還有 for Python, html 等語言的 repl.it online compiler
在 KLIPSE 文件有一段話:
In order to integrate the klipse plugin on a blog, library documentation or any other web page, add the following
tag at the end of the page body according to the language of the code snippets:必須要安裝在網頁 body 標籤底部,實際測試時,只需將下列這一段程式碼放到最後:
<script src="https://storage.googleapis.com/app.klipse.tech/plugin_prod/js/klipse_plugin.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://storage.googleapis.com/app.klipse.tech/css/codemirror.css"> <script> window.klipse_settings = { selector_eval_js: '.language-klipse-cpp', // css selector for the html elements you want to klipsify }; </script>
可以放到 head 標籤內部。接著就是撰寫測試的程式碼:
<pre><code class="language-klipse-cpp">#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
const double sysTime = time(0);
cout << "System Time in seconds is: " << sysTime << "." << endl;
return 0;
window.klipse_settings = {
codemirror_options_in: {
lineWrapping: true,
autoCloseBrackets: true
codemirror_options_out: {
lineWrapping: true
beautify_strings: true,
selector: '.language-klipse',
selector_eval_js: '.language-klipse-eval-js',
selector_jsx: '.language-klipse-jsx',
selector_es2017: '.language-es2017',
selector_brainfuck: '.language-brainfuck',
selector_transpile_jsx: '.language-transpile-jsx',
selector_eval_php: '.language-klipse-eval-php',
selector_eval_markdown: '.language-klipse-markdown',
selector_eval_lambdaway: '.language-klipse-lambdaway',
selector_eval_python_client: '.language-klipse-python',
selector_eval_html: '.language-klipse-html',
selector_sql: '.language-klipse-sql',
selector_eval_ruby: '.language-klipse-eval-ruby',
selector_eval_scheme: '.language-klipse-scheme',
selector_eval_cpp: '.language-klipse-cpp',
selector_js: '.language-klipse-js',
selector_reagent: '.language-reagent',
這一則訊息來至於 Standard C++ 的 A new way of blogging about C++,有趣的是:
A long time ago, all the developers had a common dream. The dream was about interactivity, liveness, evaluation…But we put this dream aside - because the browser understands only
.And after a while, we even forgot that we ever had this dream.
Still, there are some people that didn’t forget this dream, like Alan Kay:
還是有人對於 dream 一直抱持著希望並且努力的想要實現它。
另外,有許多的 online compiler,例如:compiler-explorer,Wandbox,還有 for Python, html 等語言的 repl.it online compiler